We have extensive experience in accompanying corporate transactions. Our clients span from industrial, commercial and service companies, domestic and foreign financial institutions, banks and insurance companies to the public sector. We have specific expertise within the fields of automotive, machinery and mechanical engineering, technology, commerce and services as well as real estate. Our transactional work is characterised by a high share of international transactions, especially for Asian investors. The majority of the transactions accompanied by us are small and mid cap.
Our practice covers all relevant fields of law, besides corporate and commercial law especially labour, competition and antitrust law. We regularly accompany merger control procedures and advise our clients on financing.

We see ourselves as both legal and strategic advisors. Our aim is to support and further a commercial agreement and translate it into a secure and practicable legal framework. Our clients value our targeted approach which results in balanced and pragmatic legal solutions.
We work in small and efficient teams set up in a way that ensures key team consistency throughout the project. This guarantees that the negotiators in charge dispose of comprehensive up-to-date information required for a successful completion of a transaction. This equally means that our partners naturally form part of the due diligence team. Our size and cost structure put us in a position to accommodate the individual needs of our clients.
A close relationship with our clients is important to us and we are confident that this is appreciated by our clients, too. This view is confirmed by the fact that many first-time transaction contacts have resulted in ongoing legal advice.